Saturday, January 16, 2010

More resources available on web

The French Scientific journals portal give free access to a long list of papers, and several others publications available to download. Two French publications that have papers on East Timor ethnic groups are Archipel and L’Homme. Amongst them can be mentioned the followings:

Berthes’s papers on Bunak: one paper is an ethnographic analyze of ceremonial weddings in Bunak society (Berthe, 1961), another one is some remarks on Bunak’s pronominal system and affixes (Berthe, 1963). Furthermore, there are two reviews of Berthe’s work Bei Gua, Itinéraire des ancêtres. Mythes des Bunaq de Timor (1972) by Hicks (1973) and Lombard (1974).

There is a paper on Ema people – Kemak language speakers – by Clamagirand (1972) about cotton fabication by this people, the paper is called Le travail du coton chez les Ema de Timor portugais.

Another paper, this one by Fracillon (1989), analyzes Tetum – the society of Tetum-Terik speakers that is called in this paper Tetun du Sud – weddings and kinship structure that according to this author is matrilineal and uxorilocal.

So, this website above mentioned, and these papers are worth to be read by scholars and anyone who have interest in East Timor issues.


Berthe, Louis. 1961. Le mariage par achat et la captation des gendres dans une société semi-féodale: les Buna' de Timor central. L'Homme, Vol. 1, N. 3. p. 5 – 31
________. 1963. Morpho-syntaxe du Buna' (Timor central). L'Homme, Vol. 3, N. 1. p. 106 - 116
________. 1972. Bei Gua, itinéraire des ancêtres: mythes des Bunaq de Timor. Paris : Ed. CNRS.

Clamagirand, Brigitte.1972. Le travail du coton chez les Ema de Timor portugais. Archipel, Vol. 3, N.1. p. 55 - 80

Francillon, Gérard. 1989. Un Profitable échange de frères chez les Tetun du Sud, Timor central. L'Homme,Vol. 29, N. 109. p. 26 - 43

Hicks, David. 1973. L. Berthe, Bei Gua, itinéraire des ancêtres: mythes des Bunaq de Timor. 'Homme, Vol. 13, N. 4. p. 166 - 167

Lombard, Denys. 1974. Louis Berthe, Bei Gua, Itinéraire des ancêtres. Mythes des Bunaq de Timor. Archipel, Vol. 7, N. 1. p. 202 - 204

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